To while away those long hours over the next 26 days, C&C are going to work on a version of the children's memory game "Today I went to market and I bought...". They know that they may have to authenticate alleged sightings with photographic evidence on their return (so any mention of zebra fish will be treated with suspicion).

Today we went ocean rowing and we saw...

 Albatross (well, we might have)  Nappy cream

 Buckets  Olive oil
 Compass  Pink cushtie
 Daisy (the smaller of our 2 bow cows)  Quorum
 EPIRB  Rubbish
 Flares  Santa
 GPS (Global Positioning System)  Tinsel
 Haribo  Undulations
 Iridium phone  VHF Radio
 Juvenile Storm Petrel  Water bottles
 Kettle  Xmas cards and gifts

Sorry, should have taken a photo before the start but didn't know they'd choose this!

 Lanyard  Yellow Drogue
(sorry, wrong colour in picture)
 Moo-nlight  Zenith