Just after the start
Wearing our best cow kit
The view gets rather monotonous
This was on a calm day
Oh look - a blade! That's exciting.
Nice colour, though
Fabulous sunsets
Clint rowing (obviously)
You have to cope with rocking and rolling
Who needs level hands when you dom't have a level sea?
Gloves were worn for the first 2 weeks
... which successfully prevented blisters
Sun hats are important
... in creating arty shots
The hats were donated by Godfrey Rowsports
A "distant" tanker
This was taken quite early on, judging from the pale skin and liberal use of suncream
The aspect of ocean rowing the media are most keen on
Quick pause for a drink of water
Are you still there?
Not much room in this cabin
...or at this end
Waiting out a storm
Note pink cushtie!
Well, it makes a change from the office, anyway
Follow the stroke cycle
Hands unusually level
Circling the finish as the waves dictate
Forget everything you ever knew about left in front of right
This is a serious business
One of the blades has already gone
Reach out.... and repeat c.1.5 million times
Even in good seas you roll around
You're not having fun, are you, Chris?
Man with small light growing out of head
Dirt gets ingrained but look - no blisters!
Hands in a good state despite being pretty wet
Clint's famous infected toe
Another fab sunset
Hey up, we've got company!
Support yacht Aurora drops by
... and takes the photo that appeared on the website on Christmas Day
The object in his right hand is a scraper for removing barnacles from the bottom
.... of the boat, obviously
Great White?
Over exposed?
A 5000m deep pool
Sorry, probably shoudl have censored this one
Are you going to let me on again?
An arrival from Runway 1
Clint is a man of many talents...
... but beard-growing isn't one of them.
Salman Rushdie goes ocean rowing
These cow print tops are so comfortable
... and the accessorise really well with tinsel
Does my beard look big in this?
Christmas Tree
and tinsel
We never bothered taking this down, actually
Those famous buckets, plus a related accessory
Clint sits down for a Christmas lunch
... unlike any he has ever had before
Chris can't work out where the chestnut stuffing is
... but puts a brave face on the situation
After Handy Andy met Olga Corbutt
A sun's eye view
A whale
Same whale again
It had never met a sea cow
Rough and grey
You can't see the real horizon when it's like this
... and are trapped in quite a small watery world
Up and down
The colours changed but there was always just sea and sky
Big rolling swells
... that go on and on
... and on
Water, water everywhere
... and still no horizon
Ever changing but always the same
Here's a version with a bluer sky
A new angle
Cobbling the shoes back together - literally
In another bowl of sea
Sliding along the waves
... for days on end
A view out over the stern
Fuzzy duck
The view at night. Which way is the next wave coming from?
Rowing on the last day towards the end of the rainbow
... with Antigua in the diatance
Waypoint=END. Note time (GMT)